Benjamin Lee5 Comments

Competition winners

Benjamin Lee5 Comments
Competition winners

#StreetClassics100k Winners

Thank you for all your amazing entries to our competition! There was over 17,000 entries from all over the world and it was pretty hard to pick only 3 winners. We’ve put this blog post together to give you some insight into what we liked about each photo and why. Hopefully this gives you more of an idea of what we look for when we feature. We’d love for your feedback and comments on the analysis of each photo too in the comments section below.

Please go and congratulate the winners on Instagram! They will appreciate the support from our awesome community.

We’d also like to thank all our sponsors as this would not be possible without them:
@peakdesign @seagate @synology.official@manfrottoimaginemore@australianphotography_magazine @anker_official





@itchban: I really like how full the entire frame, how the subject is framed by her store, the overall edit, but most importantly the subject herself. @shadstory has done a great job capturing her in a moment which shows emotion and makes you want to know more about her story. Good job and congratulations.

@_davidsark: I love how the framing draws my eye straight to the interesting character who I could see as a part of a Wes Anderson film. Although the subject is front and centre there are many more details surrounding her that help to reveal more of a story within the overall frame. It is an image that instantly caught my eye. A deserving winner!



@itchban: I really like this photo for the character and his expression that @eldalieee has captured. The size of the subject in the photograph, in additional to the uniform really gives a sense of authority. I also like the heavy snowfall in the background and how well the subject stands out from the background. Good job and congratulations.

@_davidsark: I was drawn to the overall feeling of this classic New York scene, picturing what it would feel like to be patrolling the city streets in the cold snow. I love the framing and the strong depiction of the character on the job keeping a watchful eye over the city. Great capture.



@itchban: This is one of my favourite Geisha shots that I’ve seen from Kyoto. I like the direction of the image and how the alley way leads from one side of the from to the other. I like the story it tells of how the tourist crowd in the distance is all in awe and trying to capture a photo of the Geisha walking away. To finish it off, the light and facial expression on the Geisha tells a great story. Good job and congratulations.

@_davidsark: Photos of Geishas are a dime a dozen but I think this is a great example of being in the right place at the right time, being prepared and making the most of the light that is available. You know it’s a great photo when you think to yourself, damn I wish I took that! Such good timing.

Share your thoughts

We hope you enjoyed the competition. We will definitely run more of these in the future as this one was a huge success.
We’d love to hear what you thought about the winners in the comments below.

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